☞關於本BLOG 右欄Hits區踩點活動: ☞see the right margin of blog for the [special hit] link 為慶祝搬家換新博特此設定【HIT踩点】 感謝一直以來訪問舊博(FC2)的朋友們,所以嘗試在新博設立踩點活動。 In order to celebrate moving blog, I have made below [Special hit game] in my new blog for thanks everyone here. 以下是踩點說明 Details as following ◈第一個點為第1000 hits。下一個點為第 2012 hits。 ◈1st special hit is 1000hits. And the next one is 2012 hits ◈如果您踩到這個hits請截圖發送至郵箱ghostkillerlovegackt@hotmail.com 屆時踩點成功認定以郵件發送先後爲準。 ◈If you were lucky to catch it. Please send me mail to ghostkillerlovegackt@hotmail.com with the pic as evidence. The winner is the first one I receive the mail. ◈踩中者可以要求一張命題(兩個中文字或一個英文單詞)的踩點賀圖。 中國大陸和港澳臺的朋友可以附上快遞收取地址屆時贈送實物書籤或明星片。 ◈The lucky dog can request me a theme which include two Chinese words or an English word, based on this, I will send my image as gift. China mainland, HK and Taiwan friends, if possible, send me your address, I will post you a set post card or bookmarker. 注(Attention): 1.若因外部不可抗力或人為惡意踩點會及時撤銷踩點。 (1)I would like the special hit happening in random, if I found this occurred by someone make on purpose or something like this, I will cancel it. 2.當然如果意外本人自己踩到就作廢此點。 (2)IF I were the lucky one to catch this hit, this game is over. 3.以上如有特別要求和想法的可以私下郵件酌情考慮 (想交換踩點禮物的當然更歡迎啦~~哈哈哈(◎>U<◎)) (3)IF you have any special idea, please contact me privately, I will consider your idea seriously.Welcome to exchange [special hit] gift 2010.4.12 Copyright©2010 GhostKiller All rights reserved PR | ‖プロフィール
![]() ID:GhostKiller E-mail:ghostkillerlovegackt@hotmail.com ∵ ┃Date of Birth:30 January ┃Birthplace:魔都 上海 ┃Favourite:Gacktさん ‖Hits區
↓ ↑ ◆Next Hit: 100000 Hits 踩中HIT的請郵件或留言并截圖告之. ◈If you were lucky to catch it. Please send me mail to ghostkillerlovegackt@hotmail.com with the pic as evidence. 詳情(About The Special Hits)Click here 〓Hits Record:〓 ☞40000 Hits → 宇文古月 さん ☞22222 Hits → 宇文古月 さん ![]() ☞17474 Hits → 小青蛙 さん ☞1000 Hits → 王子的貓咪 さん ‖Please feel free to
(06/05) ‖カテゴリー