If I did not exist that fight have not happened.
I should not have met you that night. I not know what is the correct answer. I will end it by my hands. In the place are violet and blue intersect. A yellow thing was dyed in red. So this was the best answer for us. I want to meet you again. 捕われた 視線が外せない 妖艶な姿で 扇子片手に 籠の中の鳥は いついつ出会う? 神威 がくぽ CN:GhostKiller photographer:王子的貓咪 許可のない無断転載•画像持ち出しは絶対に禁止です!!!!!!! PR | ‖プロフィール
ID:GhostKiller E-mail:ghostkillerlovegackt@hotmail.com ∵ ┃Date of Birth:30 January ┃Birthplace:魔都 上海 ┃Favourite:Gacktさん ‖Hits區
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